Industrial Steam Boiler Corporation has been an industry leader in engineering and manufacturing crafts-man quality commercial steam boilers for over 30 years. Our packaged and field-erected boilers are used by hospitals, apartment buildings, schools, manufacturing plants, and many other industrial and commercial properties.
Our team of experts will handle everything from the planning and design phase to the installation, and we also provide additional services like system repairs, mobile boiler installations, and steel fabrication and welding repairs on request.
The design team at Industrial Steam Boiler works tirelessly to create the perfect boiler for your building and budget. We are proud to announce that now you can view and download their hard work directly from our website to your computer under the Engineers Resource Center tab! Click on a .pdf to view or download from any browser, or tap on the .dwg file to download and view in your favorite CAD (computer-aided design) program.
Right now, you can view and download the blueprints for our:
· ISB 3 Pass Boilers 20 – 600 HP 15 psi Steam 30 psi Hot Water
· ISB 3L Pass Boilers 70 – 600 HP 15 psi Steam 30 psi Hot Water
· ISB 4 Pass Boilers 20 – 600 HP 15 psi Steam 30 psi Hot Water.
Click here to download your very own virtual industrial steam boiler. These images and 3D models provide exact renderings of the boilers we design and construct. Right from the computers of our designers to you!
Whether it’s field-erected, mobile, or a packaged boiler, you can only expect the best when you use Industrial Steam Boilers! Interested in learning more about our boilers? Tap here to send us your questions, or call us at (718) 665-0888 to speak with someone directly.