Is it Time to Upgrade Your Commercial Boiler?

We understand if the warm weather and beach days have your mind preoccupied with summer and you’re not thinking about your commercial boiler. That’s what Industrial Steam Boiler is here for! Our team is always ready to help improve your comfort by providing boiler inspections, repairs, and installations.


Some of the benefits of upgrading your commercial boiler include:


·         Increased efficiency: Outdated and broken boilers can severely hurt the energy efficiency of your equipment. Reduced efficiency levels can increase your energy costs and put you in violation of compliance codes in New York City, resulting in fines.


·         Reduced carbon emissions: Whether you decide to upgrade with a new packaged or field-erected boiler, a new Industrial Steam Boiler with a Scotch Marine combustion system will provide seamless and efficient comfort. Increased efficiency levels will allow your equipment to operate while producing fewer carbon emissions.

·         Extended equipment lifespan: Outdated equipment is much more susceptible to problems and breakdowns during the winter. With the increased energy efficiency of your new boiler and annual maintenance from ISB technicians, your new equipment will be able to last longer!

·         Cost saving capabilities: Last but certainly not least is the cost-saving benefits that come with upgrading your boiler. You will see a decline in your monthly energy bills because your system will require less fuel to provide exceptional comfort!


Now is the time to take advantage of the warm weather and talk to the professionals at ISB about upgrading your commercial steam boiler. Give us a call at (718) 665-0888 or fill out a contact form to set up an inspection.

Industrial Steam Boiler Corporation
70 Lambert Avenue
Copiague, NY 11726

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